Beloved in Christ,

“[W]hatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”  (1 Corinthians 10:31 ESV)

Did you know that there is so much work is done in the Christian congregation that often gets un-noticed?  There are people working as volunteers in the church who labor faithfully and hard with committed hearts out of love for Christ and His church.  This is besides all the outwardly known group of volunteers, i.e., church officers, board chairpersons, choir members, ushers, Sunday School teachers, etc.  We give thanks to God for all of those faithful servants, but we also give thanks to God for those who work so quietly and faithfully and are beyond notice.  There actually is a lot that happens “behind the scenes” in most churches that people do not even know about.

In our church, for example, did you know…

… that there are those who come in and clean our church as an offering to the Lord?

…that there is someone who makes sure that the pencils in the pews are sharpened and the Communion registration slips are adequately filled?

…that a member of the Altar Guild is here every Saturday setting up the chancel for Divine Service on Sunday?

…that someone keeps our church parking lot and walkways free of snow and that someone mows the church and parsonage lawn in the growing seasons?

…that some people come out to beautify our church grounds in the spring, summer, and fall?

…that a number of people serve on various church boards or committees that help in the management of our church mission and operation?

…that someone makes sure our kitchen is kept orderly and clean?

…that someone assembles our church worship bulletins every week…for every service?

…that someone helps to put things in order in our storage cabinets and closets?

…that someone uses their skills to make repairs to our church facility?

…that someone helps to keep our church fellowship hall in order and set up properly for church activities?

…that someone helps to keep our church bulletin boards up to date?

…that someone keeps our periodical racks in the fellowship hall in order?

…that some pick up needed office and janitorial supplies and donate them to the church?

…that someone sets up the hymn boards for every worship service?

…that someone works to keep our church website updated?

…that someone helps to distribute items in our church mail boxes?

…that someone keeps our church library in order?

…brings the church recycling out for pick up?

…that someone takes care of ordering and picking up our Communion wine?

…that there are those who work tirelessly and enthusiastically with outreach projects such as: LWML, Lutherans For Life, Orphan Grain Train, deaf ministry, and others?

…that there are those who regularly pray for our church and its members, and those with special concerns or needs?

This is a sampling of the many faithful works offered to the Lord–to the glory of His name–by many volunteers here at Holy Trinity.  Praise to God for all who support the work of the Lord Jesus Christ in this sacred place!  So many offerings to the Lord: offerings of time, offerings of talents and labor, offering of financial gifts.

In all that we do, dear people, let us do all to the glory of God!

Pastor Kotila


Ladies of Holy Trinity is cancelled for this evening.

Jr. Confirmation Class will meet this evening at 6:30PM.

Wednesday:  10:00AM  Bible Study

                        7:00PM  Church Council

Thursday:        7:00AM  Emmaus Walkers Men’s Bible Study at Immanuel Parish Center

                        6:00PM  Bible Study

                        7:00PM  Choir

Saturday:       10:00AM  Orphan Grain Train Branch Meeting (here at Holy Trinity)

Sunday:           9:00AM  Divine Service — The Transfiguration of Our Lord

                       10:30AM Congregational Meeting


A new Cleaning Calendar has been posted on the bulletin board.  We continue to rely on volunteers to help keep our church building clean.  You may sign up for just a portion of the work needing to be done.

Lent begins on Wednesday, February 18th.  Ash Wednesday Divine Service with the Imposition of Ashes is at 7:00PM.  Midweek Lenten services continue beginning on February 25th at 7:00PM, preceded by a Lenten supper at 6:00PM.  If you would like to team up with other members and host one of these suppers, sign up on the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall.  Ladies of HT will provide the supper for February 25th.

Revelation Bible studies continue on Wednesdays and Thursdays.  On Sunday, February 22nd, we will resume meeting each Sunday until we are finished.


Ushers:    Rich Clukey

                Brian Lassy

Elder:       Brian Lassy

Altar:        Leona Damboise

Acolyte:    Megan Hendrickson

Coffee:     R/R Stockman

Have a blessed week in the Lord!

Pastor Kotila