lutheran service book

The best of the past…..

A Resource for the future…..

Lutheran Service Book

  • proclaiming the Good News of forgiveness, life, and salvation
  • celebrating Christ and all His benefits
  • giving voice to the people’s thanksgiving and praise

The premier hymnal of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, with over 1,000,000 copies sold, Lutheran Service Book builds on the riches of the liturgical and hymnic heritage that we, as Lutherans, have received from past generations. To honor that tradition, Lutheran Service Book not only preserves significant portions of that heritage but also makes its own contribution for our time. Indeed, LSB introduces a significant body of new resources that faithfully celebrate Christ and His Gospel of forgiveness and life.

For nearly nine years, the Commission on Worship gave careful attention to the development of a new hymnal and agenda. Lutheran Service Book and its constellation of resources are the product of the study and research of numerous committees and the testing and responses of hundreds of pastors, musicians, and congregations.

The Essential Lutheran Library

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