Dear saints of God through faith in Jesus Christ,

Part of our Divine Service Communion Liturgy is called the Proper Preface.  For Advent, it reads as follows:

It is truly good, right, and salutary that we should in all times and in all places give thanks to You, holy Lord, almighty Father, everlasting God, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, whose way John the Baptist prepared, proclaiming Him the promised Messiah, the very Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, and calling sinners to repentance that they might escape from the wrath to be revealed when He comes again in glory.  Therefore with angels and archangels and with all the company of heaven we laud and magnify Your glorious name, evermore praising You and saying:  [Then follows the SANCTUS: “Holy, holy, holy Lord…”]   From (Lutheran Service Book  Altar Book, p. 184) 

The bold portion (emphasis mine) of the Proper Preface is spoken by the pastor every Sunday.  What do those words mean?  Just this: We join with the worship happening in heaven even as we are engaged in worship (Divine Service in God’s house) here on earth.  Our gathering for worship on Sunday mornings provides a joint worship with the saints of God and the angels in heaven!  Wow!

Now are some hard questions for each of us to think about.  While most, if not all, true and sincere Christians desire to go to heaven (surely not hell), why would anyone (confessing Christian, that is) deny themselves from that which unites us with heaven here on earth–gathered around Christ, His Word and His gifts, given through His Word and Sacraments?  In other words, if you desire to go to heaven, how can you possibly not want to go to church–to hear Him speak to us, to bask in His mercy and grace, to receive His gifts, to adore Him with our heartfelt praise and thanksgiving?  How can we Christians not desire to be in His holy place where Christ Jesus prepares us for His heaven?  If you desire to be with Christ in His church in heaven for eternity, why would you not want to be with Christ here in His church on earth?  Something for all of us to think about, as our motive for coming to church may not be in the right place–or just neglected altogether.  Let us come, let us gather, in true repentance, begging for God’s mercy, and receiving it in the Gospel and Supper through faith

This Sunday is the last Sunday in Advent.  Advent is a time focused on “prepare for the Lord’s coming.”  May hearts be moved in faith to enter the sanctuary of our God and to be in right fellowship with Him through faith in Christ, confessing our sins and receiving His Holy Absolution, uniting with the angels and saints in heaven in our worship.


Our Sunday School Christmas Presentation will be held this Sunday during Divine Service.

Our final midweek Advent service is Wednesday evening at 7:00PM.  Pastor will be preaching on “The Angel of the Lord.”   Come hear something you may not know, and why this is HOPE for us as we live in these perilous times.

Our Week At A Glance

Tuesday:   7:30PM   Board of Elders

Wednesday:   10:00AM  Bible Study

                         6:00PM  Jr. Confirmation

                         7:00PM  Midweek Advent III  EVENING PRAYER

Thursday:   7:00AM   Emmaus Walkers Men’s Bible Study at Immanuel Parish Center

                   6:00PM   Bible Study

                   7:00PM   Choir

Sunday:      9:00AM   Divine Service with Sunday School Christmas Presentation

                  10:30AM  SS/Bible Study

Rejoice with Kari and me as we welcome home today our three sons.  It was a joyful welcome to Peder and his girlfriend, Jessica, (after their awful car accident in PA last week en route to Wisconsin) and our two college boys: Erik and Mikkel.  All look well but tired.  Thank you for your prayers!

Thank you to all who donated to WARM HANDS, WARM HEARTS.   What a blessing to our community!

Have a blessed week in the Lord!

Pastor Kotila