Dear beloved in Christ,
Luther said, “God created the world out of nothing; so as long as we are nothing, God can make something out of us.”  In other words, if we are hanging on to our own righteousness and pride and works (our attempt to reduce the truth about our sin and that we are nothing in and of ourselves before God), then we have no room for God’s gifts.  We must come before God in repentance–confessing our nothingness, that we are not worthy for any of His blessings because of our sin.  Then coming before Him as nothing we receive everything. God makes “something” out of us–His “new creations” in Holy Baptism–His strengthened, forgiven, and Spirit-empowered disciples through His Word and Supper.  We come to God as empty vessels that need to be filled back up with His Gospel-Word and gifts.  As one of my seminary professors once said, “God fills us up, but the problem is–we leak!”  We need to be filled back up AGAIN AND AGAIN.  Always, constantly–all the days of our time here on earth.  This must be our mindset and conviction based on God’s holy Word.  This is how and why we approach the Divine Service every Sunday morning.  This is how and why we approach Bible study.  So we pray: “Lord Jesus, I am nothing, EMPTY.  Come, fill me!”  And fill us He does!  and He does His marvelous work in us, then through us to the good of our neighbor.  Thanks be to God!
Plymouth Food Pantry is low on inventory.  Let us respond with non-perishable food offerings to the Lord to help get them stocked back up.
Prayer Shawl group meets this evening at 6:30PM.
Jr. Confirmation Class meets this evening at 6:30PM.
Trustees is scheduled to meet at 7:30PM.
Wednesday AM Bible study at 10:00AM.
Thursday:  Bible Study at 6:15PM
                  Choir at 7:00PM
Sunday:   9:00AM  Divine Service  THE TRANSFIGURATION OF OUR LORD  Sermon Theme:  “Behold the Glory! Heaven For You!”
               10:30AM  SS/Youth Bible Study
               10:45AM  Pastor’s Final “Kingdom of God” Bible Study
Attention Church Council Members!  We will meet for a special but brief meeting right after the worship service this Sunday, March 2nd.
Concordia University – Chicago Concert at Immanuel – Bristol Monday, March 3rd at 7:00PM.  If you would like to meet here at the church at 6:15PM, we can ride up together.  Sign up on the SIGN-UP SHEET in the fellowship hall so we know how many are gathering here.
Ash Wednesday Divine Service with Imposition of Ashes, March 5th at 7:00PM.  Our Lenten Theme is: “The Crucified King.”
We are still in need of several Lenten Suppers to be hosted and planned.  See the Lenten Supper SIGN-UP SHEET in the fellowship hall if you are willing to plan, host, and serve.  You set up your crew and menu.  A freewill offering is collected to offset expenses.  A meal for 20-30 people is typical.  Cathy Wollenberg is happy to answer any questions that you may have.  Please consiuder hosting as these suppers enhance our sit down time with each other.
Volunteers are needed to help with the community Lenten Luncheon here at Holy Trinity on Tuesday, March 18th at noon.  We especially need help with clean-up.  If we postponed the clean-up to that Tuesday evening, could anyone help then?  Let Pastor know.  Thanks.
We need 8 people for bell choir for Easter Sunday! We will practice right after church on the following Sundays: March 9, 16, 23, 30, and April 6 and Wed.eve Apr. 16 at 7 pm. Come and ring for Joy that our Savior has Risen! Please let Roze Stockman know by Sunday March 2 if you can ring out for JOY! You can let her know by phone 860-583-8325 or in person or by e-mail at
Ushers:  Tom Wollenberg
              Dan Wollenberg
Elder:    Gene Giblin
Altar:     Laurie Sonstroem
Acolyte: Megan Hendrickson
Coffee:  Walt Lassy
Have a great and blessed week in the Lord!
Pastor Kotila