Sermons from December 2014

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See you later 2014!


Dear beloved in Christ Jesus our Savior, Winding down. Winding down 2014. Winding down after a busy December. Winding down today. By 4:00PM, I am beginning to feel the mental drain, if not physical drain from the day’s activities. (Sometimes it can be tiresome to think so hard! At least, I like to convince myself […]

The Proper Preface


Dear saints of God through faith in Jesus Christ, Part of our Divine Service Communion Liturgy is called the Proper Preface.  For Advent, it reads as follows: It is truly good, right, and salutary that we should in all times and in all places give thanks to You, holy Lord, almighty Father, everlasting God, through […]

He’s on His way!


To all of you who are loved by God, Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God our Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Amen. As we await our Lord’s coming–for His grand and sudden interruption to our earthly dwelling and pilgrimage–we are mindful of how God often interrupts us as His people in the […]

Almost there…


Dear beloved in the Lord Jesus Christ, This Sunday, you will hear from Mark 1:1-8 about the crowds that were going out into the Judean wilderness to be baptized by John the Baptist.  Many went out because they earnestly desired what God was giving through John–the Word of God preached to their ears and a baptism of […]